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Demand and Notice of Default

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The following public record is made available for the lawful use and purposes as described in our Terms.
Words or phrases within {brackets} are replaced and when referring to the injured party reflect first or third person.

Time sensitive document
Without prejudice, malice, vexation, contention, merriment or harm.
Ref: {reference}
{Name and Name}
{(they, them, their) or (we, us, our) or (I, me, my)}
{name of first trustee} (you, your)
By email to: {email address}
{name of second trustee} (you, your)
By email to: {email address}
Office Found
All addressed parties jointly and severally as well as their successors, nominees and assigns.
Demand and Notice of Default

Your failure to rebut each fact stated in section “Facts of the Event” and section “Facts of the Trusts” in the Affidavit of Facts has established your tacit agreement and acquiescence that all therein be true, and that Invoice {invoice number} is the lawful and equitable means of closing each trust.

In good faith {name and name} gave you twenty-one (21) days on top of the original twenty-one (21) days to pay Invoice {reference}.

To date you have not paid your debt nor sought to negotiate payment terms within the stated period.

You are in dishonour of your debt and demand is made upon you for payment of Invoice {reference} as directed therein.

{Name and name} reserve the right to take action to recover the debt without notice to you; with the stipulation that you incur additional charges for failure to pay, and are liable for all {their} costs associated with recovering your debt, as previously advised in {their} Schedule of Fees and Charges Ref: {reference}.

All words and spellings herein are as {name and name} define them in Definition of Terms, Ref: {reference}.

No liability. Errors and omissions accepted.

With sincerity and honour.

{signatures of name and name}


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Articles 📰 Noticing
📰 Breach of Trust

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