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Final Notice of Default and Opportunity to Cure Email

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The following public record is made available for the lawful use and purposes as described in our Terms.
Words or phrases within {brackets} are replaced and when referring to the injured party reflect first or third person.

Final Notice of Default and Opportunity to Cure Email

From:{email address}
To:{email address of first trustee},
{email address of second trustee}
Subject:Important time sensitive documents

Ref: {reference}

{name of first trustee} and {name of second trustee}

{Name and name} are seeking restoration by equity on behalf of {their guests}.

{They} give {seven (7)} days grace to stand with clean hands in equity. Please provide your proper response as directed within the “Final Notice of Default and Opportunity to Cure”, Ref: {reference}.


With sincerity and honour.

{name and name}


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