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Notice to Restore

On this page

The following public record is made available for the lawful use and purposes as described in our Terms.
Words or phrases within {brackets} are replaced and when referring to the injured party reflect first or third person.

Time sensitive document
Without prejudice, malice, vexation, contention, merriment or harm.
Ref: {reference}
{Name and Name}
{(they, them, their) or (we, us, our) or (I, me, my)}
{name of first trustee} (you, your)
By email to: {email address}
{name of second trustee} (you, your)
By email to: {email address}
Office Found
All addressed parties jointly and severally as well as their successors, nominees and assigns.
Notice to Restore

Thank you for acknowledging the trespass that occurred against {Name and Name’s} {wedding} {guests}, the focus of this letter.

The trusts, created when the {guests}, that is the Settlors, granted the {gifts}, that is their property, to you to be kept in trust for {Name and Name}, should have closed with the transfer of title; {Name and Name} receiving the cards and wrapped gifts.

There were no wrapped gifts. {Name and Name} did not receive the cards. There was no transfer of title. This is a breach of trust against {their} {guests}, and in God’s law a breach of trust requires restoration.


{Name and Name}, will this trespass to be settled in the private.

To rectify this trespass and close the trusts, {Name and Name} require from you:

  1. Your rebuttal as directed below; or

  2. Lawful restoration as per Leviticus 6:2-5;

    Restore the gifts in their original condition:

    • packaged and wrapped with the cards as delivered by all Settlors; the blessings, well-wishes, notes and so on contained therein; and
    • transfer the title to {Name and Name} as intended by the Settlors.
      Where this is not possible; then
  3. Lawful restoration as per Proverbs 6:30-31;

    Restore sevenfold:
    Without the cards being given to {Name and Name} {they} have no record of what was given by whom, the actual value is unknown by {them}; therefore,

    • ascribe a reasonable sum of {$100.00} multiplied by {100} {guests} multiplied sevenfold adjusted for inflation; invoice attached; and
    • transfer to {Name and Name} in lieu of the Settlors’ property.


Please take particular note that:

  1. {Name and Name} have addressed you personally and require your personal rebuttal to each statement of fact in section “Facts of the Event” and section “Facts of the Trusts” of the attached “Affidavit”; and

  2. Each statement of fact must be rebutted for error with full and detailed verifiable evidence to support your claims.

  3. Your response must be in affidavit form, under your full liability, that the facts contained therein, are true, correct, complete and not misleading.


{Name and Name} give you {twenty-one} ({21}) days from the date of this letter to answer with your rebuttal or restoration by return email, with the stipulation that your non-response is accepted as your tacit agreement and acquiescence that:

When you do not respond or provide restoration, you incur fees for {Name and Name’s} time and materials when dealing with you, and any other party in relation to this matter; “Schedule of Fees”, Ref: {reference} attached.

All words and spellings herein are as {the name and name} define them in “Definition of Terms”, Ref: {reference}.

No liability, errors and omissions accepted.

{signatures of name and name}


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📰 Breach of Trust
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#Leviticus 6:04 #Leviticus 6:05 #Proverbs 6:30 #Proverbs 6:31 #breach of trust #example #notice