More Noble

Reminder Notice

On this page

The following public record is made available for the lawful use and purposes as described in our Terms.
Words or phrases within {brackets} are replaced and when referring to the injured party reflect first or third person.

Time sensitive document
Without prejudice, malice, vexation, contention, merriment or harm.
Ref: {reference}
{Name and Name}
{(they, them, their) or (we, us, our) or (I, me, my)}
{name of first trustee} (you, your)
By email to: {email address}
{name of second trustee} (you, your)
By email to: {email address}
Office Found
All addressed parties jointly and severally as well as their successors, nominees and assigns.
Reminder Notice

You have been addressed personally and {name and name} will this trespass to be settled in the private.

Your lawful restoration options are:

As noted in the invoice terms and conditions, the inflation adjusted “Proverbs 6:30‑31 Restoration” value is recalculated for every day the restoration remains unfulfilled.

No liability. Errors and omissions accepted.

With sincerity and honour.

{name and name}


Resources 🔗 Bible
Articles 📰 Noticing
📰 Breach of Trust

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#Proverbs 6:30 #Proverbs 6:31 #breach of trust #example #notice