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Affidavit of Facts

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The following public record is made available for the lawful use and purposes as described in our Terms.
Words or phrases within {brackets} are replaced and when referring to the injured party reflect first or third person.

Ref: {reference}
{Name and Name’s names} {(they, them, their) or (we, us, our) or (I, me, my)}
{email address}
{name of first trustee} (you, your)
{their address}
By email to: {their email address}
{name of second trustee} (you, your)
{their address}
By email to: {their email address}
Affidavit of Facts

{We}, the {woman} answering to the name “{Name}” and the {man} answering to the name “{Name}”, {are} over the age of consent, {are} of sound mind, {are} creations of the Lord God Almighty and followers of God’s laws first and foremost, and the laws of man when they are not in conflict.

{Name and Name} have first hand personal knowledge of the matters stated herein and hereby affirm:


  1. When the Respondents, named in Annexures {A and B}, accepted each {wedding gift} on {our} behalf, individual trusts were created by {100 plus guests}, that is Settlors, in which the Respondents are joint Trustees and {we}, {Name and Name}, are joint Beneficiaries; with the intent that {we} would receive, {unwrap and open the gifts}, as noted on {the cards} addressed to {us}, {name and name}.
  2. The Trustees, committed a breach of trust for each trust when they administered the trusts’ property without right contrary to the Settlors’ intent, as per the statements of fact in Annexure {B}.
  3. The Trustees were notified and given equitable time and opportunity to rebut each statement of fact.
  4. The Trustees were notified that failure to rebut each statement of fact established their tacit agreement and acquiescence that all therein be true.
  5. As of the date of this notice all statements of fact remain unrebutted.


  1. Annexed and marked with the letter A (pages 1-8) is a copy of the {Notice to Restore}, Ref: {reference}, {date}.
  2. Annexed and marked with the letter B (pages 9-15) is a copy of the {Affidavit of Facts}, Ref: {reference}, {date}.


We, {Name and Name}, do solemnly and sincerely affirm and declare that all herein be true.

{signature} {signature}
By: {name}By: {name}
Fīat jūstitia ruat cælum


Signed and solemnly and sincerely affirmed and declared by {name} and {name}

at:{name of CITY/TOWN}
before me: {JP’s seal or stamp}

{JP’s Name}
Justice of the Peace #{JP’s number}
{JP’s address}

Annexure A

Ref: {reference}

This is the document referred to as Annexure A in the affidavit of {name and name},

affirmed at{town or suburb}
before me{name of JP that witnessed the affidavit}

Notice to Restore

Notice to Restore

Annexure B

Ref: {reference}

This is the document referred to as Annexure B in the affidavit of {name and name},

affirmed at{town or suburb}
before me{name of JP that witnessed the affidavit}

Affidavit of Facts

Affidavit of Facts

END Affidavit


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