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πŸ“° Sins unto death

This article discusses the sins unto death.

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✝ Doctrine

God clearly states in 1 John 5:16 there are two kinds of sin; one unto death and the other not unto death. We are to have the wisdom and knowledge to discern the difference, as we are instructed not to pray for a brother who sins a sin unto death.

The Apostle Paul, in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 and Galatians 5:19-21, explains those that habitually commit sin unto death β€œshall not inherit the kingdom of God”, and the Apostle John, in Revelation 21:27 and Revelation 22:14-15, states only those written in the book of life may enter into the city from God.

In Revelation 21:8 John declares those that cannot enter the city of God end up in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

The above scriptures list the sins unto death, and the names by which those that habitually commit them shall be called:

Shall not inherit the kingdom of God
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
β€’ fornicators
β€’ idolaters
β€’ adulterers
β€’ effeminate
β€’ abusers of themselves with mankind
β€’ thieves
β€’ covetous
β€’ drunkards
β€’ revilers
β€’ extortioners
Galatians 5:19-21
those that commit:
β€’ adultery
β€’ fornication
β€’ uncleanness
β€’ lasciviousness
β€’ idolatry
β€’ witchcraft
β€’ hatred
β€’ variance
β€’ emulations
β€’ wrath
β€’ strife
β€’ seditions
β€’ heresies
β€’ envyings
β€’ murders
β€’ drunkenness
β€’ revellings
β€’ and such like
Without the city of God
Revelation 21:27
those that:
β€’ defileth
β€’ worketh abomination
β€’ maketh a lie
Revelation 22:14-15
β€’ dogs
β€’ sorcerers
β€’ whoremongers
β€’ murderers
β€’ idolaters
β€’ whosoever loveth and maketh a lie
Lake of fire: second death
Revelation 21:8
β€’ the fearful
β€’ unbelieving
β€’ the abominable
β€’ murderers
β€’ whoremongers
β€’ sorcerers
β€’ idolaters
β€’ all liars


Articles πŸ“° Be not deceived is a choice
πŸ“° Let no man deceive you is choice
πŸ“° Let no man deceive himself is a choice
Resources πŸ”— Bible
Studies πŸ“ Abomination to the LORD
πŸ“ Be not deceived
πŸ“ Sin unto death

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#1 Corinthians 6:09 #1 Corinthians 6:10 #1 John 5:16 #Galatians 5:19 #Galatians 5:20 #Galatians 5:21 #Revelation 21:08 #Revelation 21:27 #Revelation 22:14 #Revelation 22:15 #abomination #article #deceit #doctrine #sin